(扒了一下剧情和台词,尽力细致了,人称可能有点随意大家见谅。链接在评论区。) 开头speaker问listener是否醒着 sis, you up? 接着说自己特别渴望jiejieGod, I am sick of her. I&039;m not having any fucking heat. 表示jiejie应该处理一下这个问题You are dealing with this, okay? 多次确认姐睡着了之后经典This wasn&039;t my fault.还说自己房间在修(所以来姐这里睡很正当)。 马上开始闻jiejie气味,很快变得不开心,觉得jiejie身上有其他男人的味道也就是that dumb ass from your math class.接着崩溃表示你们最好是没做什么I swear, if you fucking did anything with that asshole.还说你居然让他坐你的床。接着又破防一通,你们没做什么吧,如果做了什么我就blabla......最后还是自己调理好了至少jiejie还是jiejie的气味超好闻的的——At least you smell like you. You smell good. Speaker又确认一通jiejie有没有睡着,还幻想jiejie会和他说一直很欢迎你来——"you&039;re always welcome in my room, little brother." 又问jiejie为什么变得对他这么不好,又说他触碰listener的身体不是他的错是因为your ass taking so much space. 很快他觉得jiejie应该解决一下他的需求,这时候姐似乎是醒了似乎又没有,弟立刻表示都是姐的错——你都不和我出去玩了不和我一起去打游戏不陪在我身边天天就在房间里和那个谁一起,我们浪费了多少可以和彼此在一起的时间? This is your fault, you know. You never hang out with me anymore. And the place where you&039;re just playing games together. And just be around each other. And then you just stay cooped-up in this room. Having used this fucking boy so far. We&039;re wasting all of the time we have together! 抱怨一通又自我感动上了,姐其实你在等我行动对吧!You&039;re waiting for me to make the first move. 没关系little brother就是要比你更主动的! 接着说想摸摸姐的肚子Let me rub your tummy. Nothing bad.摸着摸着觉得触摸很幸福就像得到了jiejie的关注,表示jiejie应该更关心家人,更关心他。 又凝视一番jiejie,jiejie的脖子也好脆弱啊。表示如果你这么想要为什么不找他他会帮你,他最愿意做的就是你的good boy。If you&039;re aching for it&039;s so bad, why didn&039;t you come to your little brother? Your little brother would love to help you. Would love more than anything else the world to be a good boy. 接着开始狂亲,加赞美,并且表示他会负责的。Little brother would be responsible. 很快speaker又诉说想要jiejie看他,说jiejie其实醒着也很好,只可惜jiejie真的睡着了,看不到他在她身边,有多渴望她。 然后脱衣服,似乎发现姐并没有和那个人发生什么(不知道怎么看出来的反正双洁就完事了)Oh, you have not had anyone. 说他想做第一个想和姐做所有事情——wants to be your first, wants to do everything with you. 因为你们总是一起,往百事里放曼妥思也是一起做的。 随即又是大量的赞美和感谢并且难以置信这一切真的发生了。Oh, God, I actually did it. I actually kissed you when you sleep. 不过又认为这是应该的。This is how it should be. 姐肯定也很愿意被他脱到只剩内衣像什么艺术作品,很愿意他把自己变成他的。To make you his. 接下来又是大量的触碰和赞美。并给睡着(存疑)的jiejie洗脑这很正常。Every little brother wants to do this. It&039;s only natural. 然后又是赞美胸部、触碰、吮吸。Can you feel your little brother nursing on you?并想象如果射可以在上面会有多完美。 很快又自我谴责I shouldn&039;t have these naughty thoughts on my big sister.不过又调理好了,觉得这是最正确的事情And doesn&039;t my skin feel right against yours? And doesn&039;t my tongue feel right in your mouth? (前戏继续) ...... 过了一会儿才let his cock out很陶醉两人的生殖器靠这么近。Oh, it&039;s so close to big sister&039;s pussy. 好希望姐醒着感受两人第一次做,姐肯定也想醒着看到自己得到弟弟的初贞——deflower little brother. (前戏继续,幻想射在listener身体各处) 很快忍不住了说jiejie是睡天使。such a sleeping angel.都是姐的错。如果姐不想要应该锁门应该醒来。但是没关系,他会做第一个。 (本垒,省略,没什么好说的就是那么一回事。) 很快幸福起来了因为其他人不能像他这样做。Oh, those other boys can&039;t do this, can they? They want to fuck your legs like I will. 很快又告白—— I want to anything make you happy. 又说自己有多想要—— In fact, I&039;m being awful greedy right now. I&039;ll grind against your pussy. (接下来全省略,没什么好说的直接听吧。剧情大概是Speaker第一次想射的时候忍住了,后面就又开始幻想让jiejie怀孕,说超爱jiejie的pussy什么的各种占有欲台词和赞美,不过只是射到了身上,说下一次再creampie,最后亲亲结束) 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊我服了,打完这些字我在想自己原本是来干嘛的明天的更新还没写完....... 大家走过路过看看作者的短篇和连载也是很好的。就是可能没这么色,这个短篇集写得更类一般意义上的通俗小说,美高的连载也是剧情向……但作者对姐弟骨是真心的!